MacKillop Bulletin - Term 3, Week 4, 2022
From the Principal
Mix together jellybeans, jam donuts, jelly eating, an Escape Room, casual dress and a staff-student soccer match with some home-grown talent and you have a week of engagement and joy for all! Many thanks to Mrs Coward and the House Leaders for their work in co-ordinating and overseeing last week’s JJAMM Week activities and to all the students and College staff who supported and participated in the various events and activities.
Our liturgy to celebrate the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop was a reflective and prayerful way to acknowledge and celebrate the life St Mary. Mary MacKillop’s legacy for us, the community of MacKillop Catholic College, is captured so eloquently in her well-known motto, “Never see a need without doing something about it”. Thank you to the many students who actively contributed to the liturgy and to Mr Marsh, Mr de la Motte and Mr Courto for their work in preparing the liturgy and supporting our young people.
A reflection on Mary MacKillop
Following is the text of the video from the Congregational Leader of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Sr Monica Cavanagh, that was shared with the College community during last week’s liturgy. Sr Monica’s words speak loudly and clearly as to what it means to be part of a Josephite school and I offer this as a personal reflection to all:
As we join in celebrating Mary MacKillop’s feast this year, we are called to embrace the values that were at the heart of all she did. Her deep love for those she encountered along the journey of life came from knowing that she was the beloved of God. She was described by her Sisters as being a big-hearted woman whose love knew no boundaries.
Mary’s life continues to inspire people from all walks of life. A visit to the Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel tells the story of those seeking comfort and assurance that in the end all will be well. People come bringing their joys and sorrows, their hopes and dreams to share with this woman of God.
Mary MacKillop’s presence was also experienced throughout the journey to the recent Plenary Council. Placed under her patronage with Mary Help of Christians, her spirit was with us as we searched together to hear what God was asking of us at this time. She herself sought that same guidance of the Spirit as she endeavoured to explain the necessity of the Institute to Monsignor Kirby in Rome.
Mary MacKillop brought a heart-centred church to the struggling communities of her time consoling sorrowing hearts, embracing hardships with compassion and educating thousands of children. Her deepest desire was that each one would be assured that the living God walked with them wherever life took them.
Her encouragement to the Sisters at a very difficult time for the fledging Institute to ‘take fresh courage’ is as pertinent today as it was then. In a troubled world let us hear her voice calling us to ‘take fresh courage’ as we work for justice and peace.
May we be clothed in her love as we celebrate her deep compassion, her courageous approach in difficult times, her passionate commitment to God’s mission and her deep spirituality.
May God who companioned Mary MacKillop in her life enfold you in love on this day. Happy feast day.
Sr Monica Cavanagh
Congregational Leader, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Regards, Stephen
From the Deputy Principal
Recently, we have been asked to have our parents complete the 2022 Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning. This survey is being conducted by the Catholic School Parents Australia. They are a representative parent body who are wanting to report to the Australian Government and Catholic education on existing and emerging concerns that parents/caregivers have in relation to the wellbeing and learning of their children. The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
Click on the survey link and share your feedback to assist CSPA in reporting to the Federal Government and Catholic education.
Student Free Day - September 2
Please note that on Friday September 2, there will be a Student Free Day. On this day our teachers will be involved in Moderation processes. Our senior teachers will be involved in TASC moderation and our junior teachers will be involved in intra-subject moderation. These opportunities are very important to ensure that we provide the best education for your child.
Yours in Christ
Lorraine Wolffe
Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching; Staff Development
From the Acting Director of Pastoral Care
Last week we celebrated JJAMM week within the College. We would like to thank all staff and students for supporting and actively participating in JJAMM Week. This makes a huge difference and makes the week the success that it is. It demonstrates the importance of these events in showing us all the value of being involved in our community. So thank you for eating jelly, playing soccer, participating in escape rooms, sharing talent, cheering on your peers, eating Jam donuts, dressing down and counting Jelly Beans.
Thank you also to our Student Leaders and SRCs who organised these events under the fantastic direction of our House Leaders.
Phillipa Coward
Acting Director of Pastoral Care
Learning and Teaching News
English Department
This term, our senior students are studying the life and influence of William Shakespeare, with Year 9 studying Romeo and Juliet and Year 10 studying Macbeth. To enrich their study further, students had the opportunity to watch a live performance presented by the Bell Shakespeare Company. The performance, Shakespeare is Dead, explored the relevance of Shakespeare’s plays in modern society. Students had the opportunity to engage with samples of different Shakespearean plays, as well as connect with the themes present within Shakespeare’s works, which have remained relevant over time. A few lucky students and teachers were even chosen to perform alongside the actors! The annual visits from Bell Shakespeare are an important event to introduce many of our English students to live theatre. We look forward to welcoming them back in 2023.
Career News
As I write this, I am reflecting on the events of a busy week of celebration in honour of Mary Mackillop. Wednesday morning’s liturgy featured Sr Monica Cavanagh’s inspiring message reminding us that courage was the greatest quality of the College’s namesake. She defined courage as the capacity to persevere in the face of life’s challenges.
‘But what does this have to do with careers?’ I hear you ask.
We can live her charism by reaching out and supporting those in our community facing challenges. The school offers many opportunities for students to ‘do their bit’ as do organisations such as Volunteering Tasmania.
The Steps Group Australia identifies 6 ways volunteering can benefit the individual and build employability:
- Give you an opportunity to try new things and discover what you are passionate about.
If you are unsure about what direction you would like to take in your career, volunteering may be the answer for you. Explore your passion by choosing an organisation that supports a cause you care about. Make the most of it and try out a range of roles to discover your interests or find a position that suits you.
- Help you build relationships and expand your personal and professional networks.
Volunteering is an easy and fun way to meet new people and find other like-minded individuals. Working with other volunteers is an informal and authentic way to network with others. These new contacts may know of new job opportunities, or you may find some strong resume referees.
- Allow you to learn new skills and boost your experience.
Increase your employability by gaining skills and knowledge. Learning while in a volunteer role can be a stress-free way to build new skills because it doesn’t have the same pressure as paid work. Any volunteering role will help in developing and enhancing your skills in communication, problem-solving and teamwork, so adding this kind of experience creates a well-rounded resume.
- Demonstrate valuable personality traits to hiring managers.
Including volunteer work on your resume shows prospective employers you are committed, proactive and loyal, which are valued qualities. Including volunteer work on your resume can convey more about your personality and that you are self-motivated to employers.
- Give you a sense of purpose, or structure.
Giving back and working in an area you are passionate about can give you a sense of purpose or meaning. If you have been out of work, regularly volunteering can give your life structure and can get you back into the routine of working life.
- Boost your self-esteem and confidence.
Unemployment can sometimes negatively impact how you feel about yourself. Contributing and accomplishing everyday goals in your volunteer role can increase your self-esteem and confidence. The simple act of helping others or feeling like you are making a difference can be very rewarding.
My challenge to you; take the time to serve others. In doing so, you will also serve yourself.
Nina Dobie
Program Leader: Career Pathways
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