MacKillop Bulletin - Term 4, Week 2, 2022
From the Principal
Welcome back to Term 4!
Hopefully, the Term 3 break was a restful one and provided all in the MacKillop Catholic College community the opportunity to share time with family and friends.
The beginning of Term 4 marks the commencement of an important transition time in the life of the College as we continue the process of preparing for the introduction of Year 11 in 2023 and welcome our incoming 2023 Year 7 students and their families.
The College was recently required to submit a Building Progress Update to the Office of the Education Registrar (OER). The following was included as part of this update:
Teaching spaces for 2023:
MacKillop Catholic College will commence 2023 with 31 General Purpose Learning Areas (GPLAs):
- Penola Wing 5 x GPLAs
- Lower Kirby Wing 13 x GPLAs
- Upper Kirby Wing 6 x GPLAs
- Ground floor Tenison Wing 2 x GPLAs
- First floor Tenison Wing 5 x GPLAs
The College will have access to the following Specialty Rooms from the beginning of 2023:
- Barista training (one room)
- Drama (one room)
- Music (one room)
- Japanese (one room that incorporates a Language Laboratory/Senior Language teaching space)
- Digital Media/ Digital Technologies (one room)
- Dance studio (one room)
- Gymnasium (single basketball court in size)
- Fitness/weights (one room)
- Science (three specialty rooms with full access to water, gas, etc)
- Visual arts (two rooms)
- Foods (two rooms – one domestic and one commercial kitchen)
- Material Design and Technology – Wood (two rooms).
In addition, the staff and students will be using:
- The Chapel (suitable for approximately 40 students to gather)
- The refurbished Rice Resource Centre (Library), incorporates a bookable teaching space for 25 students and two senior study areas to accommodate a total of 20 students.
Confirmed 2023 TASC offerings:
The College can confirm that it will be delivering the following subjects in 2023:
- Athlete Development 2
- Business Studies - Foundation 2
- Business Studies 3
- Certificate II in Hospitality
- Community Sport and Recreation 2
- Drama 3
- Drama Foundations 2
- English 3
- English Foundations 2
- English Inquiry 2
- English Literature 3
- Mathematics - Workplace 2
- Food Nutrition and Cooking 2
- General Mathematics 2
- General Mathematics 3
- Health Studies 3
- Information Systems and Digital Technologies 3
- Japanese - Foundation 2
- Japanese 3
- Legal Studies 3
- Mathematics 1
- Mathematics Methods - Foundation 3
- Mathematics Methods 4
- Outdoor Education 2
- Physical Sciences 3
- Religion in Society 2
- Sociology 3
- Sport Science 3
- Studies of Religion 3
- Visual Art 3
- Working with Children 2
In addition, the College will continue to work with other Project 23 colleges and TasTAFE regarding the provision of:
- Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
- Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation
- Certificate II in Construction Pathways.
Year 7 2023
Work continues in preparation for the arrival of the 200 current Grade 6 students who will be joining us on Monday, 28 November for the Year 7 2023 Orientation Day.
Our Director of Junior School, Mrs. Alison Stevens, has been working closely with and visiting many of our feeder primary schools to come to know and understand more of the learning and well-being needs of the incoming Year 7 students. Mr. Andrew Pritchard, Deputy Principal – Wellbeing, and the College’s Wellbeing Team are preparing for the student's and their parents/caregivers introduction to the College’s vertical pastoral care program (including Year 9 Peer Tutor training).
The 200 students joining us for Year 7 2023 will not only be the largest number of students to commence Year 7 at the MacKillop Catholic College, but they will also be part of the approximately 740 students that collectively will form the largest enrolment in the College’s history.
As we enter the final term for 2022, I know that through our sustained and ongoing collective efforts to support all aspects of the College’s teaching, learning, and wellbeing programs that, collectively, we will continue to make a real difference to the outcomes of all our students both now and into the future.
Stephen Hill
From the Deputy Principal
Welcome to Term 4
The year has quickly flown by, and we are now in our final term for the year. Term 4 is a short term, and as such we only have another seven weeks together. It is a term of assessment tasks, exams, events, and even farewells for some students and staff. As we all approach the finish line, it is important that all students maintain their focus and high standards. This means that students dedicate time outside of class to study for upcoming exams and finish assessment tasks by their due dates. It means maintaining their high standard when it comes to uniforms and appearance. It means continuing to show respect to their peers, family members, friends, and the environment around them. For those that may be leaving, it is about leaving a legacy of how they are remembered by the rest of the MacKillop College community.
Term 4 is also a time for celebration, as we acknowledge those students in our community that have achieved fantastic results. It is a time of looking toward the future and whatever that may hold. This week we have students speaking in front of our students and staff as they apply for the role of College Captain. This will soon be followed by applications from our current Year 9 and Year 10 students for our other leadership positions. Applications for these roles are due by Friday 28th October and information can be found on the SEQTA Student Forums. I strongly encourage all students to consider how they could get involved in college life and to look at the various leadership positions available.
While the finish line is in sight, it is important that all members of the MacKillop Catholic College community continue to strive to do their best right up until the very last day. Have a great term, everyone!
Andrew Pritchard
Deputy Principal - Wellbeing
A very warm welcome to Ms. Madeleine Bowers our College Counsellor for Term 4. Madeleine will oversee Di Pitman's role while Di takes a long-earned break.
From the Deputy Principal
Welcome Back to Term 4
Welcome back to the final term of the year. I hope that the holidays brought you some wonderful family time. I would like to begin this week by congratulating our students on the enthusiastic start they have made this term. Classrooms are already witnessed to be vibrant learning spaces, filled with motivated students.
This is a very short term with many exciting opportunities available. At times, these opportunities will take students out of their normal class routine. For example, the Year 9 Outdoor Education Camps. There is an expectation that students plan for known absences. They are expected to seek out missed work and to plan for time to engage with any missed learning. Attendance at all College learning events is compulsory unless discussed with the relevant teacher. Many of these events e.g. Outdoor Education Camps form part of the student's assessment portfolio and therefore non-attendance can have an impact on a student overall result.
I can't do this - Learning is challenging
As students progress with their learning they are continually challenged by new content and an expectation to learn new skills. The response 'I can't do this' is often heard. Learning does involve determination and persistence. It does not always come easy. Students are presented with learning that involves the development of critical thinking and complex problem-solving. It is okay for students to feel challenged. Teachers at MacKillop Catholic College use a range of teaching strategies to support students in their learning. Teachers intentionally challenge students to achieve their potential with support. If you do have concerns with your child's learning, the concern should be raised respectfully with the appropriate teacher.
Important dates for Celebration of Success
Year 7 - 8 - Celebration of Excellence - Tuesday 22 November 9am
Year 9 - 10 - Celebration of Excellence - Wednesday 22 November 9am
Further information will be available soon.
End-of-Year Assessment
Year 7 and 8 Tests
Years 7 and 8 have block tests in Week 8 of this Term. We strongly believe in preparing our students for the environment of an examination and making them understand the process is essential in assisting them to work on their study techniques, helping them understand the process, and being able to manage their time and stress levels.
Year 7 and 8 Block Test dates are:
Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th December
Year 9 and 10 Block Exams
Please see the message from Mrs Crowden in this bulletin.
Yours in Christ
Lorraine Wolffe
Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching; Staff Development
From the Director of Junior School
Hello everyone and please accept my huge thanks for the warm welcome into the role of Director of Junior School here at Mackillop Catholic College. I am very excited and feel so privileged to be working here with our young people.
This term will just fly with so many important events and the everyday commitment to quality teaching and learning. Meeting the Years 7 and 8s at their assemblies this week involved a discussion of our stories. They heard snippets from a number of stories and were encouraged to develop and (re)imagine their own; stories that are congruent with their beliefs and values, strengths, and hopes. My challenge is to hear and connect with as many of these stories as I can in the coming weeks. Years 7 and 8s will find me in their classrooms, in their playgrounds, and at their bus stops, everywhere in the coming weeks, seeking connection with them and encouraging them to share and vision their story with me.
Parents, carers, and community members, please feel very welcome to contact me directly as we work in partnership to support and continue to transform our young people into engaged and aspirational learners.
Alison Stevens
Director of Junior School
From the Director of Senior School
Last Wednesday the Year 10 Student Leaders, the Child Studies class, and the Mind Body and Soul class helped run the John Paul II Carnival. Ms. Jen Rider throughout the year has built a strong, successful connection with John Paul II Primary School. Her child studies class regularly buses out there to support the students there and help with their learning and positive role modeling.
The carnival was a remarkable success with students ranging from 3 to 12 years old participating and making the most of the glorious weather. Even our Year 10 students engaged in running relays, eight hundred meters, warming up the students, and even the egg and spoon race! Many of the Primary School students commented to the students about how thankful they were for the big kids assisting them with their running, opening their lunches, helping them calm down with breathing techniques, and playing soccer and mushroom tag at lunchtime! It was also so special for Dana Gangell, who
used to attend John Paul II and was remembered by all her old teachers. Thank you to Jen Rider, Brendan Gill, and Susan Andrews for helping with the smooth running of the carnival and letting our Year 10 students assist.
Our Year 9 MacKillop student leaders and sport and recreation class will be assisting St Cuthbert’s in
the upcoming STCPSSA carnival on November 3rd.
Year 9 and 10 End of Year Examinations
Years 9 and 10 have Examinations in Weeks 7 and 8 of this Term. We strongly believe in preparing our students for the environment of an examination and making them understand the process is essential in assisting them to work on their study techniques, helping them understand the process, and being able to manage their time and stress levels.
Year 10 Examination dates are:
November 28th - Study Day
November 29th – December 6th
Year 9 Examination Dates are:
November 29th -December 5th
Jennifer Crowden
Director of Senior School
From the Director of Pastoral Care
Do you own or know someone who owns land?
MacKillop Catholic College is currently seeking a property to host our Abyss camp which marks a significant milestone in our Year 9 Rite Journey program. The Rite Journey is a unique educational program designed to support the development of resourceful, responsible, respectful, and resilient adults. A key part of this program is the opportunity for students to undertake several challenges.
The Abyss is the biggest challenge of the year and is designed to put students out of their comfort zone to help them learn more about themselves. It is a solo camping experience designed to provide the students with a significant challenge in which they are required to rely on themselves as well as to apply the concepts of stillness, silence, solitude, and reflection. The ultimate goal of the solo experience is to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their life, the natural world, and their place in it. It is the culmination of The Rite Journey as the major component of the Year 9 Pastoral Program.
To successfully run this camp we are looking for someone who has property covered by public liability with about 5- 7 acres of available land where students can spread out to camp. The dates for the camp are the 6th and/or 7th of November with the possibility of running either a girl's and boy's camp on different sites on the same night or one camp per night on the same site.
The College has looked into sourcing a portaloo and can arrange to bring our own water and all supplies so we just require enough land that is covered by public liability insurance.
Due to Covid restrictions, the Abyss will be one of the few challenges students have been able to undertake this year and we are hoping this will provide our students the opportunity to reflect on what has been a challenging year for many and how they have grown as individuals.
If you can assist us to run this experience or know someone who can please make contact me via email
Phillipa Coward
Director of Pastoral Care
From the Director of Catholic Identity and Ministry
Timor-Leste Immersion 2023
We are very excited to announce that our Timor-Leste Immersion program will resume in 2023. This experience will be available to students in Years 10 and 11 in 2023 and Years 11 and 12 in 2024.
Families who have submitted an expression of interest form should have received an invitation to an information evening on Wednesday 26th October at 5:30 pm.
For inquiries, please contact me via email:
Real Talk Australia
On Wednesday 26th October 2022, all Year 7 Students will attend a Presentation from Real Talk Australia.
Real Talk Australia is an organisation accredited by the Archdiocese of Hobart to provide seminars
and workshops in Catholic schools and Colleges in the areas of sex, relationships, and personal
Year 7 families should have received a separate communication from me with details of the program.
Lachlan Marsh
Director of Catholic Identity and Ministry
Career News
Australian Universities Ratings
The Good Universities Guide is a companion publication to the Good Careers Guide and provides detailed information to help prospective new students decide where to study.
The independent and unbiased ratings give each rank each university out of five stars across a range of criteria including Graduate Salaries, Teaching Quality, Post-study Employment Rates, Learning Resources, and Student well-being
A recent article by Explore Careers reviewed these, noting that Bond University in Queensland earned top billing. I was overjoyed when reading the article to see the following image
The smiling young man on the left is MacKillop alumnus, Lachlan Creese. Lachie has been very busy since completing his Year 10 education with us. He completed a Bachelor of Property at Bond University, graduating this semester. He has also launched Dehydrated Co, a business that transforms fruit bound for the bin into a dried garnish with a long shelf life.
As educators, we take great pride in seeing our students grow into the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. We also enjoy learning how they have become ‘good people'. Endeavors such as Lachie’s business that counters unnecessary food wastage embody Mary MacKillop’s tenet of never seeing a need without doing something about it.
Congratulations Lachie!
If you have any information about MacKillop alumni, please let me know:
Nina Dobie
Program Leader: Career Pathways