MacKillop Bulletin - Term 3, Week 4, 2023
From the Principal
Once again, the College’s JJAMM activities provided our students with many engaging and joyful experiences. Many thanks to Ms Coward and the House Leaders for their work in coordinating and overseeing last week’s JJAMM Week activities, and to all the students and College staff who supported and participated in the various events and activities
Our College liturgy was a reflective and prayerful way to acknowledge and celebrate the life and achievements of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Mary’s legacy for us, the community of MacKillop Catholic College, is captured so eloquently in her well-known motto, “Never see a need without doing something about it”. Thank you to the many students who actively contributed to the liturgy and to Mr Marsh and Mr Courto for their work in preparing the liturgy.
Following is a copy of the homily delivered by Fr Mark. His call to people who accept Mary MacKillop’s invitation to “be calm and full of hope” is one that I’m sure we can all connect with and relate to.
I suspect that over all the years that you have been part of MacKillop Catholic College, you have heard and read lots of sayings attributed to Mary MacKillop. We used one of them in our introduction today, “We are all but travellers here”, in our Acknowledgement of Country.
Another one of the sayings is perhaps the one that gets used most often and that is the one that says, “Never see a need without doing something about it.” I would like to propose to you another one of Mary MacKillop’s sayings, that might be something to think about as we celebrate the Feast Day today and as we continue as the community of MacKillop Catholic College.
Simply, “Be calm and full of hope.”
The Gospel today invites us to reflect on the sort of things that we worry about and get concerned about, which perhaps are not 100% necessary for a good life. This reminds us and calls us and to be calm. Simply, that to be peaceful people, being full of hope enables us to be people of peace, people of calm.
From the perspective of where I stand, looking out at the whole group gathered and the knowledge of the people gathered in this room, I see hundreds of faces of people who are journeying in life. The line at the end of the Gospel that talks about each day has enough trouble of its own, is a reminder to us that each new day is a day of challenge and a day of invitation to be prepared to be generous enough and courageous enough to use our God given gifts to keep growing in our own lives and also to bring life to other people.
It enables us to realise that the most important things in life are when we are prepared to discover something of the beauty and the dignity and worth of who we are and that we are prepared to share that with others and to build up their lives; their beauty; their dignity as well.
The worth of our lives is God's gift to us and it was what Mary MacKillop sought to encourage in so many people and that is why she went to so much trouble to set up schools for people who had little education or little opportunity for education but also that she gathered that band of women around her to be the ones who brought that education here and especially to isolated places in Australia. We know that this stretched out to New Zealand and into lots of parts of the world including Latin America, Peru, in Timor, and other places.
Those women who gathered around Mary MacKillop, as the Sisters of Saint Joseph, were like you, ordinary people. They had their particular gifts; they had their particular concerns and worries and even fears as they were growing up.
But they sought the calm that comes from trusting in God and realising the beauty of our lives, the worth of our lives; and they were people of hope. That each new day, yes, with its own challenges troubles, and demands, each new day is an opportunity to live with hope. Each new day is a day of possibility, and this will be the case not only while you are part of this community at MacKillop Catholic College, but it will also be the reality every single day of your life.
Every morning when I wake up, I simply thank God for the gift of a new day. I ask God to be with me for all the different things that will happen during the day and at the end of the day I take a moment to consider, have I used well the gifts that I've been given in life? Have I been a source of life for others during this day and if I have missed the opportunities, I’m sorry and I propose and I hope to do better the next day.
Be calm and full of hope.
Fr Mark Freeman
Parish Priest
High School Musical
Like so many in our community, I am looking forward to this week’s performances of High School Musical. Those of you who have enjoyed or been part of any school musical will know that such performances are the culmination of months of preparation and rehearsals and that their success is a true testament of the sustained energy, effort, and commitment of the staff and students involved.
To Mr Courto, Ms Williams, Mrs Cato, Mrs Hillier, Ms Jefferies, and Mr White, and all the other College staff who have supported them over the past months, thank you on behalf of the MacKillop Catholic College community for all you have done to bring this production to us. I have no doubt that your passion and dedication to inspire the joy of the performing arts, dance and music to our young people and our community will be evident to all during this week’s performances.
CET review processes occurring in 2023
MacKillop Catholic College is currently participating in two CET review processes – Validation and Responding to the Archbishop’s Charter.
As previously communicated, Validation is a point in time exercise which ensures the system (in this case Catholic Education Tasmania (CET) as the relevant educational authority) satisfies all aspects of Church, system and government requirements within the context of school improvement processes, incorporating aspects associated with the Tasmanian non-Government Schools Registration Board processes.
Validation provides system assurance about:
- The school’s progress in responding to the Archbishop’s Charter
- The involvement of the school community in on-going improvement for learning, and
- How the school is meeting the Tasmanian non-Government Schools Registration Board Standards
The Validation process has three objectives, to:
- Determine that the school community is involved in responding to the Archbishop’s Charter
- Determine that the school community is involved in annual ongoing improvement for learning.
- Determine that the school is meeting its obligations as outlined in the Tasmanian non-Government Schools Registration Board Standards
The College Executive Team is currently working through the various requirements of the Validation process in preparation for the visit by the four person CET Validation Panel on Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 September.
The College will be contacting students and members of the community in the coming days regarding their availability to participate in the various panel interviews which will be taking place of the course of these two days.
Responding to the Archbishop’s Charter:
Every five years, each school and college within the Archdiocese of Hobart is required to formally respond to the four domains of the Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools:
- Catholic Identity
- Learning
- Leadership
- Mission
The College’s Executive Team, with the addition of Mr Marsh, has attended CET’s Unpacking the Archbishop’s Charter workshop and has now commenced the process of developing the College’s response to the Charter.
As for the Validation, the College will be contacting students and members of the community regarding their availability to participate in discussions and to provide input on the College’s response to the Archbishop’s Charter.
Stephen Hill
From the Deputy Principal
Preparing for 2024
It is challenging to write about our preparations for 2024 during our 2023. However, to ensure that we are successful in transitioning our students at the end of the year, we do need to start early. We have now received our subject/course preferences for our Year 9, 10 and 11 students. Our Year 9 students are currently confirming their choices having received an email from Mr Zehmeister, Director of Administration. All Year 11 students have had a course-confirming interview with either Ms Jennifer Crowden, Director of Senior School or myself.
Our Year 10 students continuing to Year 11 at MacKillop Catholic College will commence the course confirming interviews with their parents on Monday 4th September and Tuesday 5th September. A parent/caregiver letter will be sent home shortly with booking information.
On Monday 28th August, I will meet with the Year 8 students to commence the process of their selection of elective subjects for Year 9 2024. Students will receive a Subject Selection Information Pack to take home which includes their Subject Guide and details regarding receiving their individual login and password for online subject selection.
Staff Update
We warmly welcome Ms Judy Mills, to our teaching team. Mrs Mills has replaced Ms Sheridan Penwright who has moved to Townsville, Queensland. Ms Mills has an extensive teaching career including time at St Anthony’s Catholic College, Townsville; Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Alice Springs; Alice Springs High School; Huonville and Rokeby High Schools and Dominic College. Judy’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Education from University of Tasmania and a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults from Tasmanian College of English.
MacKillop Swimming Carnival - 22 August
The MacKillop Swimming Carnival is fast approaching. At MacKillop, we love these days but this year, as a result of our growth, our whole school is unable to attend. This is due to the capacity of the Hobart Aquatic Centre. Simply, our whole College will not fit in the Aquatic Centre.
Therefore, only Year 7s and Year 11s will attend as spectators and supporters of their house. In addition, competitors from Years 7 - 11 will also be in attendance. Students have already nominated themselves to be a competitor. Parents/Caregivers should have received an email via Consent to Go.
Year 8, 9 and 10 students who are not competing will have normal classes timetabled at school. Therefore, it is school as usual for these year levels.
Year 10 and 11 Study Day - Friday 1 September
Please note that on Friday, September 1, there will be a Year 10 and 11 at-home Study Day. On this day our Year 11 teachers will be involved in TASC Moderation processes. Due to the number of Year 11 teachers involved in this process, we can only provide quality timetabled classes for Years 7 - 9 students.
Years 10 and 11 are required to stay home and engage in the at-home learning that they will be provided by their teachers on this day. Years 7 - 9 students will attend school.
If Year 10 or 11 students make the MacKillop Swim Team, they will be required to attend the SSATIS Swimming Carnival on this day. Further details will be provided outlining these arrangements.
Yours in Christ
Lorraine Wolffe
From the Deputy Principal
New Method Available to
Record Student Absence
At MacKillop Catholic College we are always looking to improve our processes and make things easier for our families. Recently we have been looking at improving our procedures around recording student absences from the College. Previously, parents/caregivers needed to call or directly email our College Office to record student absence. While these two options still remain, there is now a new online absentee form available for families to record student absences.
The NEW online Absentee Form can be found on our College Website under ‘Quick Links’ (see below).
and the form is available via the College’s Schoolzine (SZ) App on your smartphone or device.
If you have not yet downloaded the MacKillop Catholic College School App for your mobile phone, instructions on how to install the Schoolzine App can be found here:
Andrew Pritchard
Deputy Principal - Student and Staff Wellbeing
Director of Catholic Identity and Ministry
Thank you to all students, staff and families who contributed to the success of JJAMM Week and the celebration of the Feast of St Mary of the Cross (MacKillop). There will be a full review of JJAMM Week events in the next edition of the ‘Spirit’ Magazine.
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
On Tuesday 15 August, a group of students from MacKillop Catholic College will attend Mass at Corpus Christi Church to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is an important commemoration of the importance of Mary the Mother of God to the Church and the earthly life of Jesus. This Feast is known as a Holy Day of Obligation, where all Catholics are encouraged to attend Mass.
Vinnies Winter Sleepout
On Thursday 24 August, members of the MacKillop Vinnies Conference will be sleeping out in the College Gym to raise awareness of people experiencing homelessness. The group will be making soup that will be used by Louis Van to support people in the local Hobart community.
There will be an online link to make a donation to St Vincent de Paul via the College's Facebook page and SEQTA Notices.
Lachlan Marsh
Director of Catholic Identity and Ministry
Director of Pastoral Care
We would like to acknowledge all students for their active participation throughout JJAMM week including the way they respectfully participated in the Liturgy and Assembly. All students contributed to creating a great atmosphere of celebration for Mary MacKillop and the MacKillop community. I particularly would like to thank our Student Leaders and their committees as well as their supporting teachers for their organisation and running of the many events.
Overall, as a College, the wearing of our formal uniform showed great improvement. However, there are some small reminders about expectations when wearing the Formal Uniform that I would like to draw your attention to:
- The College blazer must be worn to and from school when in formal uniform. The optional College softshell jacket or the optional College jumper may replace the College blazer within school grounds only, however the College blazer must be worn on all formal occasions.
- College dresses/skirt lengths must be conservative (i.e., knee length).
- College white socks or plain short white socks (no logos or emblems) or navy stockings
- College grey socks or plain short white socks (no logos or emblems)
SUPPLEMENTARY (OPTIONAL) FORMAL ITEMS • College jumper • College soft shell jacket • College fleeced vest • College bucket hat • College sports cap • College beanie • College navy scarf • Ribbons and scrunchies
Rite Journey Abyss
This term, our Year 9 students, will again be heading out on a solo camp out in Week 9 of this term as part of the Rite Journey program. As we continue to offer this opportunity we are again reaching out to our community for properties that may be available *must have public liability insurance for us to use to host this event.
More information regarding the Year 9 Rite Journey Abyss on 20 and 21 September will be available shortly. Year 9 parents please mark this in your calendar as it is a compulsory event for Year 9 students.
Phillipa Coward
Director of Pastoral Care
Director of Junior School
Get oriented for study success
If you haven't done so already in your household, make sure you have the term's Assessment Calendar in an easily accessible place. At least once a week the students in your house should be referring to this to guide their approach to their commitments. It is useful to add family plans and upcoming events onto the assessment calendars as well so they are a complete point of reference for planning and predicting time availability. Consistently submitting assessment tasks on time and to the highest standard takes planning and commitment and, for young people, our support. We cannot assume that our children know how to manage themselves. We need to model our own organisational habits to them. We need to offer them different strategies to try. We need to step them through a process to complete their work in and around the other important aspects of their lives. There need to be regular time slots in their schedule for dedicated study/homework. As a family, these times need to be set aside and respected so our kids learn to do the same. If learning has a place of significance in your home, this sentiment will be taken on by your children and the commitment to study will become innate and will grow. Let me know if I can support you and your family with any of this.
Alison Stevens
Director of Junior School
Careers and Pathways News
MacKillop’s new Careers and Pathways Adviser
It’s been a busy last two weeks in the Careers Office with many students starting to use the resources we have on offer.
It’s been great to meet with many of our Year 10 and 11 students to discuss pathways, subject choices, and more as they move further into their senior secondary journey. I’ve even had the chance to meet students in Year 7, 8 and 9 as they begin to think about their pathways and make career decisions.
A reminder to all students and families that the Careers Office is open for bookings.
Apprenticeships and Traineeships:
Many students have shown interest recently in working towards a School-Based Apprenticeship while at school or obtaining an apprenticeship or traineeship once they have completed school.
To support this, we will be having regular visits from the team at MEGT for students to talk firsthand with a provider – see the details below in our upcoming careers events.
Through the Careers Office and VET Department, we will also be advertising apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities to students in classes, through SEQTA notices, around the school and in The Bulletin – so keep an eye out on these things!
I would encourage any students interested in this pathway to consider work experience in the term break or summer holidays, or in exam times for Year 11s who do not have any Level 3 exams. Work experience is a fantastic opportunity to get a taster of your chosen pathway and make a positive impression on potential future employers in your chosen industry.
Come and have a chat if you’re interested in organising this!
Upcoming Careers Events:
MEGT | Pop up at MacKillop – Wednesday 16 August
The team from MEGT Apprenticeships, Traineeships, and Recruitment will be running regular pop-up information sessions at MacKillop starting Wednesday 16 August.
Come and speak to the team about all things related to getting an apprenticeship or traineeship, vocational pathways, School-Based Apprenticeships, and more.
Located in the MacKillop Café at lunchtime.
Festival of Bright Ideas | Open to the public day – Saturday 19 August
Located at Princes Wharf 1.
Find out more here:
ADFA Virtual Open Day – Saturday 19 August
The ADFA Open Day can be attended online.
This virtual event will showcase key content, including live-streaming activities and question and answer sessions, via a dedicated platform and social media channels.
Girls in Property Career Day | Tuesday 22 August
The Girls in Property event is a taster day aimed at female students in Years 9 and 10 interested in a career in property, construction, planning, and more.
The event will include workshops, activities, guest speakers, tours of the arena, and more!
The College will be putting together a group of students to attend, so if you're interested in coming along please email
Located at MyState Bank Arena.
University of Tasmania | UCAT Student Ambassador visit – Tuesday 29 August
Interested in a medicine pathway? Come and listen to two UCAT student ambassadors from the University of Tasmania to hear about their firsthand experience with the UCAT process.
Located in the MacKillop Café at lunchtime.
It Takes a Spark! STEM Conference | STEM based excursion – Friday 1 September
The College will be taking a group of students to the It Takes a Spark! STEM Conference to participate in a range of activities, listen to guest speakers, and be immersed in the world of STEM.
If you are interested in a STEM pathway and would like to attend events like this, contact the Careers Office at
University of Tasmania Open Day – Sunday 17 September
Open Day is a great way to get a taste of life at the University of Tasmania and explore the campuses. You can hear all about our courses, pathways and scholarships – straight from students and teaching staff.
Working on Water (WoW) Program | Tasmanian Seafood Industry Taster – Monday 23 to Wednesday 25 October
The Working on Water (WoW) program introduces students from Years 9 and 10 to a wide range of career opportunities available on, in and around the marine environment. The range of careers available in Tasmania is incredibly diverse and includes positions in the seafood industry, marine sciences and tourism.
Stay tuned for more information from the college on this exciting opportunity.
For now, you can register your interest with the Careers Office by emailing and can find out more about the event
Sarah Gurney
Careers and Pathways Advisor
Hosting Opportunity
Nearly 20 MacKillop families showed their generosity in hosting 20 students from Hokkaido, Japan during Week 2. The experience was a very positive one for both hosts and visitors. Our students learn valuable intercultural lessons from hosting and making new connections while developing empathy and tolerance. From September 1st until November 25th MacKillop will be hosting a female student named Towa from Dai’ichi High School in Fukuoka, Japan. Towa is currently in Year 10 in Japan and requires 9 weeks’ accommodation. MacKillop and Dai’ichi are building an exchange program called the Tsuzuki Scholarship that allows Year 10 students to spend a term in their respective schools. Ava and Patrick, current Year 10 MacKillop students recently returned from 12 weeks in Fukuoka on the Tsuzuki Scholarship. Please contact if you are interested in learning more about hosting Towa. We prefer if families could host Towa for a minimum of 3 weeks. Please note there is no fiscal renumeration for hosting.
N5 Japanese Extension Program
N5 resumed in Week 3 and continues until December. Five Year 7 students have joined the team. The Semester 2 focus is learning the phrases to use when shopping. N5 is run every Monday from 3:10 pm until 4:25 pm. Students prepare to sit the Japanese Language Proficiency Test at Level 5. More information on the test can be found here:
Jakki Hardman
Learning Leader - Japanese
Learning Extension
Kaleidoscope Blueprint
Kaleidoscope Blueprint will begin on August 23rd - starting after the musical to allow our “creatives” the opportunity to apply. Only 20 spots are available for this round of Kaleidoscope due to the nature of the program. Students must complete a trial to be considered to join the program. The focus will be on the design process and gaining skills in digital art and photography. The course will suit high-ability students with an interest in the creative process. Students will experiment with various mediums to create an original wearable garment as their culminating task. Here is a link to a video giving an idea of Kaleidoscope Blueprint:
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
ICAS is underway, with the first three tests (Writing, Digitech and English) completed. Science and Spelling Bee will run on August 21st and Maths on August 30th. If your child is registered for ICAS, you can give them the best chance of success by guiding them through some of the preparation tools that can be found here:
Academic Writing Day
This Thursday selected Year 8, 9, and 10 students have been invited to an academic writing skills day. Students will learn how to create an annotated bibliography, and a reference list using APA 7. During the day they will complete a draft entry for the Simpson Prize. More information on the Simpson Prize can be found here:
Mrs. Gabi Ball has now completed her Master's in Gifted Education and is attending her graduation ceremony at UNSW on 24th August. UNSW is home to some of Australia’s most renowned researchers in gifted education. Mrs. Ball is assisting in facilitating the Kaleidoscope Program and helps to oversee the academic writing days.
Congratulations to Mrs Ball for this significant achievement.
Jacqueline Hardman
Learning Extension Coordinator
Lenna Green
Learning Leader: Technologies
History Competition 2023
Well done to all those students who participated in this year's Australian History Competition. It's great to see students putting their hands up (or being nominated by their teachers) to show their interest in History. Certificates will be distributed during HaSS and History classes. Below is the full list of participants:
Year 7
Marley Ackroyd | Samuel Braid | Eric Breaden |
Cameron Jackman | Navreet Kaur | Thomas Matthews |
Mitchell Scott | Emily Watchorn | Charles Whitmore |
Madeline Iles | Isabella Sackley | Jack Williams |
Hamish Zegveld |
Year 8
Jack Burley | Logan Elliott | Rylan Estcourt |
Isabella Patten | Fynn Rankin | Lachlan Szczerbanik |
Year 9
Chloe Birch | Nadia Cowle | Oliver Dare |
Prahlad Dev | Stella England | Pascal Tilyard |
Carolyn Townsend | Savannah Trimmer | Nikolai Warner |
Year 10
Lily Absolom | Chrystal Davies | Bella Fazackerley |
Faith Jones | Elliott Stee | Eleanor White |
I would like to make a special mention to those students who achieved a High Distinction or Distinction. An excellent effort.
High Distinction
Elliott Stee | High Distinction |
Nadia Cowle | High Distinction |
Carolyn Townsend | High Distinction |
Isabella Patten | High Distinction |
Eleanor White | Distinction |
Stella England | Distinction |
Jacinta Pearce
Learning Leader - Humanities and Social Sciences
During Term 2, the English Department encouraged participation in the ‘What Matters?’ writing competition. This competition is run by the Whitlam Institute and aims to give a voice to the young people of Australia, with each participant answering the simple, yet deep question – what matters? This competition is open to young people in grades 5-12 and students are free to write about a range of topics, including personal and political. Last week, Year 8 student, Caleb Close attended the ‘What Matters?’ awards presentation for his piece titled Fishing in the Clouds. This piece was highly personal to Caleb, and his story and what he believes matters most, touched many. Caleb was not only awarded the Year 7/8 category winner for his piece, but he was also the overall 2023 state winner for Tasmania. Caleb will now have the opportunity to participate in a more formal awards ceremony in Sydney next month. Congratulations, Caleb!
Cassandra Bolonja
Learning Leader - English
What Matters? by Caleb Close
If you had asked 11-year-old me what matters in the world, I wouldn’t have had an answer. I was too focused on playing video games, eating chocolate, and feasting on candy. Jump forward three years, I now realize spending time with the people I love and being grateful for this time is important to me. Now I’m not one to write a sad, upsetting, depressing story but I believe I need to get this off my chest. Without further ado, here is my story.
As a young boy, I was more attached to my mother as she was less strict and would let me get away with things. Although my dad loved me, he was heavier on discipline and wanted to teach me to be independent. Without him I don’t think I would be the same person as I am today. I still remember catching my first fish and seeing the joy in his face. Memories like these will stick with me forever.
Fast forward to 2020, I was lying in my room, playing my PlayStation when I heard someone walk up the hallway. It was Mum, she sat me down on my bed, her eyes were red, I knew something was wrong. She wrapped her arms around me, pulled me close, sitting there for what felt like eternity, until she could finally talk. I was hit with the most dreadful news, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, it was terminal. I sat there dazed, my eyes blurred, and tears started rolling down my cheeks. My dad was going to die.
A year later, my dad could only whisper, I couldn’t remember what his voice sounded like. He was given drugs so he could stay with us for longer, it was now about how much time we would have together. He couldn’t do much physical activity, although he still did what he loved, fishing. My Dad was transferred to hospital in March 2022. He was so sick, having coughing fits every few hours. While my dad was in hospital, I didn’t visit, I felt sick to the stomach whenever I watched him in bed, struggling. I stayed at home, feeling guilty.
My Dad was a fighter, he fought stage four cancer for two years. He continued fishing, it was what he loved. We got the chance to go to Eaglehawk Neck where there was a fishing tournament. He won, and we got to see it happen. That was the last ‘fun’ thing we did as a family. The next month, my dad was bedridden, he wanted to spend his last months with us. He didn’t go to the hospital. We cared for him. I am happy he got to stay with us, in our home, rather than in a hospital hooked up to machines, he wouldn’t have liked that.
The eleventh of July 2022; I was at my nan’s house. I heard my nan’s phone; I didn’t think much of it until I heard my Mum’s voice. I just knew what she was going to say. When Nan started crying my heart dropped. I just lay there feeling like someone was squeezing my heart. I cried and cried. I felt lost and afraid. I panted to the beat of my heart, trying to get a breath through my tears. My dad was gone, forever.
I now realize spending time and being grateful for the people I love is what truly matters. I also hope cancer research will lead to a cure, preventing unnecessary deaths in the future so people like my dad, receive life-saving treatment.
By Caleb Close
Mackillop Catholic College Grade 8
Rice Resource Centre - Library
Rice Resource Centre
On Friday 4th August, MacKillop Catholic College hosted 2 presentations from award winning author, illustrator, multi- media producer, and performer Martin Chatterton. Martin has written/illustrated close to 100 books for all ages. His new young adult novel The Tell, has recently been listed as one of the 2023 CBCA Book of the Year Notables for Older Readers. Year 7 students were entertained with an interactive presentation featuring Martin’s “live” drawing and storytelling. Two students bravely volunteered to be models for Martin’s illustrations and Mr Marsh also joined in the fun, much to the students’ delight.
A selected group of Year 9, 10, and 11 students participated in a second session with Martin during the afternoon. Students gained valuable insight into the creative process and what it takes to be a successful working artist. The wide range of projects that Martin has been involved with throughout his career and the approach that he takes to his art was inspiring and educational for students interested in pursuing careers in a creative field.
Marissa Allen
Resource Centre/Library Manager
MacKillop Stars
Where are our MacKillop Stars?
Is your son or daughter doing something outstanding, amazing, or extraordinary that they want to share with us? We would love to hear from you!
Please send your stories and photos to Mrs Hastie, and we will highlight achievements in our bulletin.
Ella Jones has been selected to represent Tasmania at the Australian Interschool Championships in Victoria in September on her horse ‘Shelby’ in Dressage and Showjumping. Congratulations Ella.
Congratulations Henry McCallum Year 10. He has been chosen to represent Tasmanian in the State U16 Hockey Team in Adelaide.
Water Polo
Hannah, Reuben, and Carolyn were all awarded MVP awards at the end of the season.
Reuben was selected for the 15U National team to compete in Sydney in Sept, unfortunately, due to injury he was unable to attend, however, he did make the cut.
Carolyn has also made the 15U National girl's team and will compete in Canberra in September
Hannah is also representing Tas in the upcoming Canberra Challenge competition in August.
Also, a special mention to the Year 7/8 Boys for their stellar season, making it to the Grand final and going down by only one goal. Amazing effort boys.
School Based Apprenticeship
Bindi MaCallum has just been accepted into a School Based Apprenticeship as an electrician. This has been arranged through Mrs Sue Howard, Learning Leader VET, and Vocational Studies, and is a direct result of her Work Experience participation. Congratulations Bindi.