MacKillop Bulletin - Term 3, Week 6, 2023
From the Deputy Principal
What a fantastic fortnight we have had! There have been so many wonderful opportunities happening in our College. I hope you enjoy reading about them in this edition of the MacKillop Bulletin.
REMINDER -Year 10 and 11 Study Day - Friday 1 September
This Friday is the Year 10 and 111 Study Day. As we are now a College that offers Years 11 and 12, we have responsibilities to be involved in the TASC Moderation Day. TASC Moderation is an opportunity for our Senior teachers to come together and examine assessment items and ensure that there is a common understanding in the application of grading criteria. This then contributes to equity in marking across the state.
Therefore, with our Year 11 teachers involved in TASC Moderation, our Year 10 and 11 students will have a Study Day. Students will have assessments to have additional time to work on or they will have been given some focus work for the day. It is not a day where students could 'pick up' another shift at work. We are in the middle of assignment season and our Year 10 and 11 students should have more than enough work to do on this day.
Year 11 Course Confirming Interviews
Next Monday and Tuesday evening 4 - 7pm, we will be conducting the Year 11 2024 Course Confirming interviews for the Year 11 students staying at MacKillop Catholic College. These interviews are for parents and students to review and confirm their course choices for 2024. We are very excited at the large number of our families who will be remaining with the College. As a result, we have confirmed the following courses will be offered next year.
What we can learn from the Matilda Women's Soccer Team
Like others in our community, I was captivated by the progress of the Matildas' journey through the World Cup. I have played many sports but not soccer. I have not really been a fan of the game, due to the amount of time played for such a low score. However, I learnt so much about determination and patience from watching the Matildas' play their games.
At the forefront of watching the success of the Matildas is an understanding of the value of sacrifice, dedication, and determination. These are the values that our students can apply to their commitment to their learning. Sometimes, a Sunday afternoon needs to be sacrificed to finish an assignment. Sometimes, a strict study timetable needs to be followed to ensure that we are dedicated to meeting our learning goals. Sometimes, we need to be determined to understand a challenging concept. This is what leads to learning success and in turn, moves our students along on their pathways to post-Year 12 success.
Watching the determination of sporting teams can transfer to the understanding that learning also needs sacrifice, dedication and determination.
Yours in Christ
Lorraine Wolffe
Director of Junior School
In many cases, I am seeing our young people not bringing any food or enough food to school. This really is a recipe for disaster not just for their learning but also in terms of behaviour management and social success. Sometimes our students don't realise what is happening to them but we can relate to how hard it is to be kind and emotionally regulated when we are 'hangry'. I think sometimes as parents we underestimate the amount of fuel our children need in order to 'do life' well and grow. It is reasonable that students in years 7 and above take, at least, some responsibility for their lunches and there are some simple and fulfilling options that they can be taught to prepare for themselves.
Perhaps at the beginning of the week, some lunch planning and preparation could be done to get the week's meals off to a positive start. Ingredients like pasta, couscous, and rice can be added to frozen mixed veggies, leftovers, and items from the veggie drawer to make a substantial energy source, especially for those students participating in sports, dance, etc Eggs provide a relatively cheap protein source and can be added to rice and other dishes without tricky cooking. Tuna, sausages, or avocado might also be an option with bread and bananas, hummus dip with carrots, cucumbers, and crackers, wraps with chickpeas and cheese quick grab foods to throw in the school bag.
For the students with greater experience in the kitchen, there are options like savory muffins, quiche or frittata bites, mini pizzas, and sushi. Many of these can be popped in the freezer as well, to last the whole week. These items can be made for a fraction of the cost and with much greater nutritional value than muesli bars, breakfast on-the-go drinks, and other packaged food. Making lunches is a step up in terms of taking responsibility for themselves but is also a great way to have your child develop some highly practical life skills. Helping your child prepare their food for the week is also an opportunity for being together to work on a shared task. Not something that we often get a lot of opportunities for with our teenagers. There are just so many advantages to this.
Alison Stevens
Director of Junior School
Careers and Pathways News
Girls in Property Event:
On Tuesday 22 August, a group of female students from the Year 9 Business and Economics and Year 10 Business classes attended the Girls in Property Event at MyState Bank Arena.
Girls in Property raises awareness among high school students of the various career paths available across the property industry. It aims to generate a more diverse pipeline of talent by encouraging more women into the sector.
Our students gained insight into the property, construction, and real estate industries and were able to speak to a range of women who are leaders in their fields on a local, national, and international scale.
The day consisted of panel discussions, workshop activities, and most excitingly, a tour of the newly refurbished MyState Bank Arena. A highlight for many of the students was getting a glimpse into the Jack Jumpers freshly designed change rooms, where they could spot lots of their favorite players.
A huge thank you to the Girls in Property Event organisers and to our students for their excellent representation of the College on this day.
The Careers Office is planning many exciting excursions and incursions such as this going into the future. Remember to keep an eye out on SEQTA notices and the Bulletin for upcoming opportunities you might be interested in.
Careers and Pathways Bookings:
A reminder to all students and families that the Careers Office is open for bookings and they can be made via the following link:
Upcoming Careers Events:
University of Tasmania | UCAT Student Ambassador visit – Tuesday 29 August
Interested in a medicine pathway? Come and listen to two UCAT student ambassadors from the University of Tasmania to hear about their firsthand experience with the UCAT process.
Located in the MacKillop Café at lunchtime.
It Takes a Spark! STEM Conference | STEM based excursion – Friday 1 September
The College will be taking a group of students to the It Takes a Spark! STEM Conference to participate in a range of activities, listen to guest speakers, and be immersed in the world of STEM.
If you are interested in a STEM pathway and would like to attend events like this, contact the Careers Office at
University of Tasmania | Café pop-up – Wednesday 6 September
The team from UTAS will be commencing regular visits to the College on 6 September.
Come and chat with the team about subjects, university life, scholarships, and more.
Located in the MacKillop Café at lunchtime.
University of Tasmania Open Day – Sunday 17 September
Open Day is a great way to get a taste of life at the University of Tasmania and explore the campuses. You can hear all about our courses, pathways, and scholarships – straight from students and teaching staff.
Register your interest –
Sarah Gurney
Careers and Pathways Advisor
Musical 2023 - High School Musical
The Start of Something New.
Saturday night we wrapped up after 6 shows and 140 hours of rehearsal for our 2023 production of 'High School Musical.' The Playhouse Theatre was packed each night of our season with adoring fans. Congratulations and thank you to all staff, students, and family members involved in getting this brilliant show on the stage.
What a team!
Nic Courto
Program Leader - Music, Performing Arts
High School Musical
Hosting Opportunity
MacKillop will soon be hosting a female student named Towa from
Japan. Towa is currently in Year 10, is 15 years old, and has good
English skills. Towa still requires accommodation from September 13th
through October 6th and also from October 13th through November 25th.
Please contact if you are interested in
learning more about hosting Towa. We prefer if families could host Towa
for a minimum of 3 weeks. Families will be offered $150 per week to put
towards the cost of Towa’s food. Towa will follow her own timetable
during the school day.
N5 Test
Three Year 10 students in the N5 Japanese extension program will be travelling to Melbourne in Term 4 to sit the Japanese Language Proficiency Test at Level 5. Patrick Bealey, Ava Mackey, and James Overton managed to secure three of the coveted 40 spots to sit the exam in Melbourne this year. N5 is run every Monday from 3:10 pm until 4:25 pm. Students prepare to sit the Japanese Language Proficiency
Test at Level 5. More information on the test can be found here:
Jakki Hardman
Learning Leader - Japanese
Learning Extension
Congratulations Mrs Ball
Mrs. Gabi Ball has now graduated with her Master of Education in gifted education, having attended her graduation ceremony at UNSW on 24th August. UNSW is home to some of Australia’s most renowned researchers in
gifted education. Mrs. Ball is assisting in facilitating the Kaleidoscope program and is supporting learning extension with her expertise.
Intraschool Ethics Olympiad
On September 26th selected Year 7s will be invited to participate in a full-
day intraschool Ethics Olympiad (EO). Students will be selected based
on their AGAT score and achievement score in PAT Reading. More
information on EO can be found here:
Kaleidoscope Blueprint
Kaleidoscope Blueprint begins this Wednesday. Participants completed a submission to be considered to join the program. The focus will be on the design process and gaining skills in a variety of techniques related to designing with textiles. Students will strengthen their skills in researching, sketching, and experimenting to generate a unique project which they will exhibit at the end of the programme. They will also explore a variety of technologies and how they can be utilized to achieve their concept. Students will also compile their ideas and progress in a design journal which will also be part of their exhibition.
Jacqueline Hardman
Learning Extension Coordinator
Design and Technology, Wood
Throughout semester one, students from years 7 - 10 have produced some well-designed and planned products. We have investigated Tasmanian timbers and veneers, projects with moving parts, boxes with lids, and a range of new tools and processes. We have enjoyed seeing students taking home a range of projects finished to a very high standard. Through their work in Design and Technology subjects, students have an opportunity to develop their designing and making skills, perhaps with a view to pursue a career in the construction industry or just simply to enjoy the satisfaction of designing and making quality products.
Lenna Green
Learning Leader: Technologies
TASC Exam Supervisors
Applications Closing Soon – Reminder
Exam Supervisor applications close Friday 1 September. Further information about this role is available on the Employment page.
Parents and community members who support your school are welcome and encouraged to apply for these paid roles supervising the end-of-year exams for Year 11 and Year 12 students at Exam Centres around Tasmania.
A team of Supervisors is appointed to supervise each exam session, reporting to the Supervisor Coordinator. Please note that parents will not be able to supervise an exam their child is completing, and all Supervisors must have a current Registration to Work with Vulnerable People (RWVP) – Employment category.
Application Process: Apply for an Exam Supervisor role via the TASC Sessional Employment Register. Once registration is complete, TASC will send you a link via email to specify your exam centre and workload preferences. This new process will eliminate the need for applicants to complete a full application each year (unless you need to update personal information or selected roles).
MacKillop Stars
Where are our MacKillop Stars?
Is your son or daughter doing something outstanding, amazing, or extraordinary that they want to share with us? We would love to hear from you!
Please send your stories and photos to Mrs Hastie, and we will highlight achievements in our bulletin.
Daniel Deep Year 9 representing Tasmania in the National School Sport Swimming competition in Sydney.
Liam Barnett Year 9 representing Tasmania Water Polo U15 Boys National State Championships Sydney.
Natasha Williams Year 10 representing Tasmania U18 Australian Youth Volleybally Championships, Bendigo.
Holly Wagner Year 7 representing The Southern Kangaroos at The Australian National Club Basketball Championships, Victoria.