MacKillop Catholic College provides a technology-rich learning environment with a wireless network throughout and excellent access to both fixed and portable technologies. SEQTA Learning (our Learning Management System) provides access to all course materials and learning activities. Data projectors or LED Screens are installed in every classroom, allowing the seamless and effective integration of ICT into the curriculum.
With greater access to real-time information, digital learning resources, educational software and collaborative workspaces, students experience higher levels of motivation and engagement in their learning.
Typically students experience initial improvement in areas such as organisational and technological skills, revision, writing and editing work. With the development of presentations and other multimedia projects, students experience subsequent improvement in analytical, presentation and speaking skills.
Involvement in ‘virtual workspaces’ creates opportunities for collaboration and communication, improving relationships in the classroom through a greater level of interaction between students and their teachers. A networked environment, where it is easy to share developing work and research with peers and teachers, is the environment students will live and work in during secondary school and the future, and we need to prepare them for that world. Students working together and providing solutions to real-world problems will create links beyond the classroom and move levels of thinking beyond a simple knowledge framework to complex analysis and evaluation. Increased levels of learning both in and out of school, with an emphasis on higher-order thinking, creative thinking and expression, will be promoted.